Nelson Mandela

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nelson Mandela and Daniel

After spending 27 years in jail for his participation in the ANC of South Africa, Nelson Mandela emerged to a negociation table with Afrikaners to whom he expressed a profound level of understanding for the difficulty of their experience and circumstances. He had invested in his prison years, years others may have seen as lost or robbed time. He spent them gaining understanding of his adversary.
Daniel was probably 13 when he was taken from his Palestinian home by force and sent to Babylon as as slave. Loosing all his family and loved ones, taken to a land where everything he valued was defiled before him, he proved himself to be pure, wise, prepared, and strong. He learned not to be a resentful person but instead to become useful to his adversaries. Useful enough so that he could actually serve to bless them. He stood before Nebucadnazar, a man who had destroyed his whole life, and addressed him without anger.

Si no podemos ver lo mas alla de nuestro dolor, nunca vamos a avanzar en la vida. Como podemos cambiar nuestro mundo si estamos enfocados en nuestras quejas, problemitas, y preferencias.

Daniel knew how to overcome his past.

"Over religion and money there's more blood that's spilt than slaves in cotton fields that never heal. What's the deal?" -Blackstar

What's your hang up? What keeps you from impacting your surrounds?